Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sterling banned for life

I guess I am so use to seeing  racism that it really doesn't shock anymore.  The statements that were made  I feel were very inappropriate but at the same time it is his feelings.  In this day and age I feel like racism has never really left or been totally gone.  There are so many levels of racism from  race, nationalilty, weight, skin color, religion, and socio ecomonic status.  

I feel that I have seen more racism here in New York that I saw when I lived in North Carolina.

Unfortunately,  you can't understand how someone may hate or dislike a group of people.  Is it better to know that they dislike or hate someone for their differences from themselves.  

I remember when I was living out of state and I had this problem with a group of neighbors that played their music loud and would take up all the parking spaces.  I really disliked these people because they were so inconsiderate and nasty.  They would have barbecues and leave all the food outside and  when it rained it smelled and the bugs would be bad.  So I moved and after about 6 months another group of people moved in and then my peace of mind was gone again because they would leave their trash out and play loud music and had a dog that would take my one day delivery of my Sunday paper.  Once again it was individuals of the same nationality.

But I would pray, "Please God do not let me hate these people because of who they are". because on the same spectrum  people hate me for my skin color and my parents raised me to love everybody.  My prayers were answered  and I saw it was not the people I hated it was their actions.  I was really glad that I was able to understand what  I hated and that I could ask God for guidance.

That was many years ago and I have meant many people with that nationality and have found them to be just as my parents taught me... there is good and bad in any race, color, or nationality.

I know he did not want this to made public.  But do you think it is better for people to know or for it to be hidden?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Is this really contained? or not?

I just came across this article about pigs have a virus and apparently this has been going on since last year.  Maybe, as usual I am a little slow but this first I have heard of this.  It really is of concern to me because eat pork.  I know that they say it is not very healthy but I do monitor and try to eat pork at most once a week.  It is like my salty pleasure.  

I just wanted to share because if this virus was found last year in 2013 and they say it only affects other pigs.  Maybe we should be made aware.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Did you know?

Annually I receive a statement from  Social Security informing me of my earnings and what my benefits will be at retirement or disability if disabled.  I did not know that you could go online and get this information.

If interested you can sign up at ssa.


In this day and age with all the problems in the world are people really this shallow?  I can honestly say that I have never seen a physically ugly person.  I have seen people who are just hideous because of the way they treat or act towards people. 

I have not judged someone because of their looks or their weight.  Being chubby since I was little and now at an all time high weight even for me I never try to make people feel like their differences are a problem or a reason to be gawked at  and made to feel odd.

I remember in college there was a young lady that had been severely burned.  I don't know how it happened but every time I saw her I would always talk to her just as I would talk to everyone else.  I thought to myself she is really brave and courageous and is dealing with life ... because when you take everything way and just look  basics she is human just like me. Because I know that I am not perfect and have always been sensitive. 

Bottom line.. who am I to judge?  One remember that no one is perfect.

Friday, April 18, 2014

What did they do wrong?

Everyday if you watch the news or your peruse the internet you always see or hear about some tragic story of someone dying.  Know a days whatever you do puts you at risk.  You can try and stay out of harms way so that you will be safe.  The rules and regulations that are in effect or in force that are setup for the benefit of people - unfortunately seem to harm the people that are law abiding and not the criminals.  Why?

Who can you believe?

I am and have always been hesitate to seek medical attention since I turned 18. It was easy when I was younger you go to the doctor and all  you have to do is stick your tongue out, they would weigh you, take your blood pressure, and stick that cold stethoscope on your chest and tell you see you next year. But I am aware that as an adult I have to go for my annual physical  and I do.

I always feel like I am walking into a box full of gyrating and jumping germs when I go the doctor - I mean isn't that why people go to the doctor?

Somethings you can try and treat yourself and it works; then sometimes you just end going to the doctor anyway because your self treatment did not work.  So when you go there you expect results because they have been trained and educated on how and what to do for you.   Well we have to remember they are human and that like with anything you will always find someone who doesn't quite understand the importance of why things are done or just don't care.  I don't know what to make of this situation but when you get test results from your doctors or tests- don't you accept the results?  Are we not suppose to trust technicians, doctors, and nurses?

Please tell me what I can do?

Monday, April 14, 2014


This is a website where you can check your medications  by drug name or condition.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

This is bananas

I recently told you how I gained weight and realize I need to do something.  I have started cutting out my sweets and am trying to eat more fruits and still working on the vegetables.  But I don't obviously eat enough compared to others... what do you think?


I saw this online and thought maybe if can help someone in need.

Love yourself

I got up and thought wow it is wonderful to be alive.  It is summer and I am not a warm baby and I have put on weight.   I am really down about my size but I have the option to do something about it and i have to love myself. I remembered his story.

Love yourself.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A problem I have never had

It seems today you are judged for everything. I remember in college we had a young man that was extremely slim but we did not think much about him.. I have family that were  very, very slim.  I guess some people are predisposed by genetics and not everything is self induced.  I would never know because I have never had this problem, mine is the opposite. It just goes to show how life affects all of us on many spectrums.

What is it over the hill at 50..

So I guess at 85 you are going up another hill?.  I always use to hate to visit elderly family members when they where in nursing homes.  I would watch the residents some just sitting, others aimlessly roaming the halls.  I even saw one with her purse going through the medicine cart no nurse no aid. But it always seemed a little depressing but I guess that was the nursing homes of yesteryear.  I guess things have changed.
Do you know of any?

Monday, April 7, 2014

People are puzzle but so are you

I feel that life brings us around all types of people, situations, and circumstances.  I believe that we are like a puzzle no two pieces are the same but we can all come together as one.  My worsts may be your best and so on.  If you meet someone who is different then you embrace that person because to them you may be different to them.  

Do you utilize your mind?

Actually I realized one day that I was not utilizing my abilities nor enhancing my learning process.  My last job kept me so occupied with getting there and performing my required responsibilities that when I got off I was exhausted.   I used to be a person that would read at least one book per week.  Horror or romance.  I had been at that job for 8 years and I could not remember the last time I even read a newspaper through and through.  I read but not for content at my job is was like I had become an automated robot.  What finally made me think was when a piece of paper came to me and I looked and looked at the word daughter.  I knew what the word was and I knew the spelling but it looked so foreign that I stared at for a long time.  

I believe also that if you do not use it you will loose it.  I think that you have to keep the body as well the mind and the brain active.  I believe we should try and challenge ourselves and sometime tempt outside of things that we know and try the unknown.  I have always tried or attempted things that would be pretty easy to succeed at doing.  Now that I have gotten older I realize that life is not about success but about the attempts and the failures.  You get to met a lot of good people no matter where you are and no matter where you end up.

Bottom line I said this to say live life to the fullest each day. I feel any day that you learn something new is a day worth living. 

Are we solely dependent on technology?

I was out yesterday and my phone started acting up.   It would ring and I could see the caller but my touch screen would not accept the call when I pushed.  This went on basically for about 2 hours.  So because I was near the person calling me and did not want to go home then come back I thought I will just call them from a pay phone.   It is funny you remember the sayings your parent or someone older would say like,  "You never miss the water till the well is gone dry".  I searched no pay phone.  I am pretty familiar with the area and all the places I remember seeing a phone. The movie theatre - no phone.  The McDonalds - no phone. The local corner store - no phone. The liquor store - no phone.   After several attempts I went home, but this reminds me how our convenience with our everyday items (cell phone) has made other things obsolete.  We become so dependent on these items.  I must admit the last time  that I used a public phone I was disgusted and scared to use:; because it was so dirty and smelled so bad.

What happens when the cell phones no longer work?

Another recall

I thought this might be useful.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Should more than one group be warned?

I feel that this possibly affects everyone that is having sex , that has a weaker immune systems and  may exchange saliva like kissing, and sharing drinks or cigarettes are at risk. Not just one group.  How do you feel?

Really is this a surprise?

I use to eat out a lot but after awhile the food just did not taste good. Whether a fast food and even the restaurants I would sit and  order.  So I would purchase the items and cook the meals myself.  Three  reasons because it would me 1) economical, 2) to a certain degree I would at least know how the food was cooked., and 3) my food tasted just as good.  Truth is do we really know what is in the food we eat?  This brings about a whole new discussion because even what we purchase at the store  is sometimes questionable.  What can we do?   We just have to pray? 

Friday, April 4, 2014


I had problems with my credit because of my own doing and am proud to say  it is  better than it was a few years ago.  I am setup with one of the credit agencies and I get alerts and check it regularly.  I even bought a shredding machine and shred all  my papers that I put out in the trash.  What can you do to secure your personal information?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Didn't he have a bag?

I'm just saying.  I have not been to the movies in probably about a year or more because yes I am cheap.  I will go when I really see an advertisement and it makes me laugh, but the last time I saw a movie the trailers were the best part and the movie sucked. Besides when I hear about it or see the ad again it has already made it to satellite  I bought popcorn and a drink because to me that is just part of going to the movies, or what I call the "movie experience". Truthfully in the past years when me and my son went we would eat out so we really would not be hungry. Yes I would get the butter saturated in butter and drink that great big drink because it comes as a combo or get the hot dog and nachos.  Of course, I knew this was not healthy but 1) I don't  not do this everyday and 2)what are your other options?.  So I can understand his choice he is health conscious for a very good reason and I don't remember seeing fruit and vegetables or healthier choices being offered.  Sure if he took his fruit in and if there was any waste he would dispose of his waste properly?   Right ?What do you think?

They are not just companions

Recently I have heard in the news  how animals are life savers in more ways than one. Pets are wonderful and are just like family.  They do so much for us they protect us, they help us if your disabled, and now they have the ability to detect illnesses. Amazing.

By Design Only

I am always fascinated with people that have siblings being that I am only child.  But what I really think is cool is to be a twin - although we are all one of kind.  Sure being a twin probably has it down moments, I suppose but it must be nice to have someone else in this world that is closest to being you. I mean you  may be a fraternal not necessarily identical  in looks and also in personality but there is generally a bond that starts before you are even born.  How unique.

I love this video.

Do we really need more?

I always look online at the big beautiful spacious homes and dream about having all that square footage.  The number of bathrooms, how big and all the fancy features and the top grade appliances. But truthfully I can not afford what my eyes see and some how I have maintained ok with what I have. After seeing these homes it seems very practical.  It appears to cover your needs and for some your wants.  What do you think:? 

Do these things really bring you good luck?

I had a friend that told me he was going to bring me something to help me with my luck. So I decided to see what I could do to help my self.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Might help you one night

Usually I pass out at night but sometimes I have difficulty going to sleep.  I guess I know why.