Saturday, May 23, 2015

Why read the food packages?

I have probably in the last few years become a little more conscientious of what is in my products for my skin , hair, and my food.

I have never been a salt person because my father suffered from high blood pressure so I kind of stayed away from salt.   Although I know sugar is not good for you I have not been diligent with staying away except when those jeans and my clothes do not fit the way I like them to fit.

I can honestly say that when shopping or sometimes while cooking I will look on the package for sodium content and some fat.

But after reading an article about what is done to food really does not surprise me.

I mean today it seems if someone whats to make a product go farther they just add something to give it the weight or inject it for it to appear larger.  With this being done, "Who can you trust?"

The FDA well it appears that they are aware of things but allow them to still be used.  For instance I just read an article about how cellulose that is the main ingredient in the making of textiles and paper  is in our foods and is also wood pulp.  If you eat processed cheese or fast food these products  may contain cellulose. But the kicker is that because wood pulp has no nutritional value it is not listed as an ingredient therefore no one knows how much is included in the products.

 So I guess this is why people have indigestion.

Even worse we don't know which products have it and what quantity is in that product. What is the recommended daily allowance?  Was the celloluse organic or non organic?

Bon appetit.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What are the benefits of recycling?

I have been a recycler for the past ten years mainly because it is required where I live.  But truthfully it gives me great satisfaction and it annoys my son.  I don't understand why it is such a difficult task but for years he avoided it.  This year I can say that he has joined not cheerfully but he has helped me and contributes to recycling.

I realize as a result most of the time I personally don't have to put trash out every time they are scheduled to pick up.  So I can see the benefits from my recycling.   Do you have any benefits or any  ways we can help to make recycling even more beneficial for us?  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Be careful what you touch...

Well with my last job I was always concerned with the things that I came in contact with on a daily basis.  I remember one day I went into a house  and had to leave because I started coughing violently - I did wonder about what I came in contact with while in the house.   I always tried to shield my body from contacting the bushes, weeds and sometimes flower customers' has outside when making my deliveries.  As a matter of fact I would always try and wear gloves because you just never knew what someone else touched before your touched a door or gate.  I thought perhaps I was becoming obsessive compulsive.  I mean I even make sure I use my own pen when I have to sign a receipt because who knows if personal hygiene is top of their list or the other people that have used that pen.  It looks like you just can't win no matter what you do.

This article talks about a  potential  hazard that I feel mainly everyone has been exposed to.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Our health we have to take care of ourselves.  Here is another article on  painkillers and blood clots.
FYI  for people with Ms and Blood Clots.  

Monday, June 30, 2014

Who has rights?

It always fascinates me  on how the world works.  We try to follow rules in regulations in society and at work and we end paying for the others.  We don't go to jail but our taxes go to benefit the prisons and the inmates. Did you know that people receive carfare checks when they are receiving treatment for substance abuse?  I have worked all my life and never have been sent a carfare check.

Well here is  a case where a family hired someone to take care of their children.  It did not work out and they are afraid that they may be locked out of their home.

The world we live in today is so frightening.