Thursday, October 23, 2014

Be careful what you touch...

Well with my last job I was always concerned with the things that I came in contact with on a daily basis.  I remember one day I went into a house  and had to leave because I started coughing violently - I did wonder about what I came in contact with while in the house.   I always tried to shield my body from contacting the bushes, weeds and sometimes flower customers' has outside when making my deliveries.  As a matter of fact I would always try and wear gloves because you just never knew what someone else touched before your touched a door or gate.  I thought perhaps I was becoming obsessive compulsive.  I mean I even make sure I use my own pen when I have to sign a receipt because who knows if personal hygiene is top of their list or the other people that have used that pen.  It looks like you just can't win no matter what you do.

This article talks about a  potential  hazard that I feel mainly everyone has been exposed to.