Saturday, May 24, 2014

Recent recalls

What is safe anymore to eat?

Recall Beef

Recall on beef that may contain E coli. This effects several states and they are Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.  Beware, be safe and be careful this holiday weekend.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Recall possible listeria

Target and Trader Joe have recalls,   Hot Mamma's Food  Hummus and dips.  Also a recall for walnuts from Sherman Produce Company.  These are voluntary recalls.

I know life is not fair but,,,,,,

It boggles my mind everyday.  We have people who are not perfect but try to do the right thing. They pay their taxes, they work and try to be productive citizens for the benefit of themselves and their families.  They try to respect their neighbors and the law.  A good portion have worked for minimum wage or been unable to afford medical, dental, and vision benefits, although it may have been offered at their job.

It amazes me that for the state of NY it cost about $60,000 dollars a year for an inmate.  Who pays this?  Our taxes.

I know people including myself are human and we can all make a mistake.  I personally have  no
criminal records my only involvement with the law is my speeding tickets.

Some people work and don't make that amount of money per year.  They are not entitled to medical, dental, and benefits that people in jail are receiving.  

Where is the justice?

About 7 months ago, one morning I heard some noise so I got up and looked out the window.  My whole block was full of police vehicles marked and unmarked, police large trucks and police everywhere with bullet proof vests on and the big shields they  carry in front of them.   This was about 6 am  they went in and out of the house next door to me. Searched some trash then eventually 3 people where taken out.   That was around 7 am  by 10 am one of them was back on the street.  I wonder how much it cost for that arrest? All that manpower and the other one was out the next day walking around and bragging.   Where is the justice?

Where is it?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The potential hazards to juicing.

Well with anything good there is the possibility of something bad. In life we have to ends of the spectrum healthy versus unhealthy, toxic versus non toxic.  We have to remember even we try to do better there are precautions .

Juicing is suppose to be a healthy alternative for your body to receive the healthy nutrients.  But let's face it we have to always stop and think is this for me; because everything is not for everyone.  We should stop and consider what 1)we inhale - our surroundings, 2) what we eat - how it is processed 3)what type of medications you are using prescribed as well as over the counter, and 4) what type of things are absorbed into your skin.

Be careful how you tread.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Recall of Mangoes that are contaminated with  listeria.  This can be harmful to pregnant, elderly, newborns and  those with a weakened immune system.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Man's best friend

I can appreciate when people have an animal and treat just as family.  They are loving and nurturing and can be a joy - but they are your joy.  I realize that people may find themselves  in situations they have no control of but if you have a pet,  " Isn't this by choice"?  If you have an animal or pet it is your responsiblity to take care of them and all the care that is associated with owing a pet.

Tell me why people think that for any reason I would want to smell or see their pets waste.  This is unsanitary and unhealthy.  Why do you think we get of our waste?

I respect the fact you have a pet even though I do not - but I do not respect the fact that you do not clean up.

If you have a pet, please clean up after them.

Price of beauty

I read an article about the potential hazards of drying your nails at a nail salon with a dryer.  Truth be told what do we not use that causes possible damage. I mean today it is okay and tomorrow there is a recall or statement made stating it causes .....

I think we have to just realize that there is the potential  that this like some of the everyday things we do  may be harmful to our health.

Last year I started paying attention to my nails more and my hair because I worked hard and said I deserve a treat.  But I have to be honest the times I went I would wonder what harm was being done.  I really did not think that much about the dryer but was concerned with the finger nail polish that I was getting applied to my nails and the polish remover.   I mean when I was there the technician would have a mask on her face when doing my nails; so I would wonder if maybe I should also have a mask.   So for me a little common sense kicked in and  I decided I would go ever once and awhile.

I have not been in six months and personally my nails are growing and are clean and clear. This is  one potential hazard averted.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

It makes you think?

Every day something on the news happens. Lately there has been a lot of sinkholes occurring all over the world.  This really freaks me out.  I am a person who loves water and I can not swim but I will play in the water.  I have this tremendous fear of bridges opening up  when I am driving over them  and I will fall into the water.  Thank God no one got hurt. 

Friday, May 2, 2014


I just read this article and thought that this is interesting.   Researchers have done a study and concluded that eating chicken legs or drumsticks make children more aggressive.  They think that we should feed them food cut up so they are not necessarily biting the food.

How do they come up with studies?  What will happen when no one is around to cut up there food?  Will they grow up not eating food unless it is cut up? Will they hold up all of their pent up aggression ?